Are you on Twitter? Technically, Twitter is a micro-blogging platform to communicate and engage with others people on the platform. Generally, we use Twitter to tweet 'cause tweets can't tweet on elsewhere though some social networks starting to follow Twitter techniques on their platforms too ;) I'm just kidding.
If you are on Twitter, you are familiar with the terms tweets, followers, following, direct messages and so on. I have no doubt that you are accepting the challenge of shortening your messages into 140 characters and enjoy sharing 'em with other tweeps on Twitter. But are you familiar with managing your Twitter account?
If you are on Twitter, you are familiar with the terms tweets, followers, following, direct messages and so on. I have no doubt that you are accepting the challenge of shortening your messages into 140 characters and enjoy sharing 'em with other tweeps on Twitter. But are you familiar with managing your Twitter account?
Manage Your Twitter Account...
I hope you heard me well. On Twitter, you can manage your Twitter account via settings easily. Don't say you don't know about it. Haven't you changed your Twitter background image and colors yet? However it's quite easy to follow and make necessary changes. Here my consideration would be not about general settings, but your followers. You just need to click Follow or Unfollow button to manage followers, no?
If you remember, we did talk about a tool helps you find the percentage of fake followers you have. But it wasn't help you in spotting them anyway. There my friend Harleena Singh was talking in comment section about a tool she used to use in managing her Twitter followers which got my attention too. See how knowledge is being shared? I'm so grateful to Harleena on sharing it with me. So, I was playing with it for few weeks with some similar tools and found Tweepi is a very interesting to manage Twitter accounts.
... with Tweepi
Tweepi is a social media tool which can assist you in analyzing and managing followers. It has the capability of pulling data of your Twitter account to display who don't follow you back and also you can find the ones you are not following back on Twitter. Further, you can manage your existing followers and get rid of the ones you don't think you should be following anymore.
On the aspect of analyzing, you are familiar with analyzing Twitter accounts as earlier, Lisa Buben guest posted here about analyzing individual Twitter accounts. Here you can analyze multiple Twitter accounts before you follow or unfollow tweeps too. Plus, You can find and follow similar tweeps to build more interesting connections and to expand your visibility.
On the aspect of analyzing, you are familiar with analyzing Twitter accounts as earlier, Lisa Buben guest posted here about analyzing individual Twitter accounts. Here you can analyze multiple Twitter accounts before you follow or unfollow tweeps too. Plus, You can find and follow similar tweeps to build more interesting connections and to expand your visibility.
Generally, Tweepi display following user information about the followers,
● Number of tweets
● Number of retweets
● Number of replies
● Number of links in tweets
● Number of followers
● Number of followers
● Number of friends (Following)
● Number of statuses
● Last tweet time
● Link Ratio
● Follow Ratio
● Klout Score
● Location
Well, Tweepi will help you to follow and unfollow right tweeps, and to get to know about their Twitter activity better. For all these features, Tweepi has different kind of tools to manage your Twitter account. But you need to be careful in using them as it is a tool that works according to your commands, and decisions are all yours. I'll talk about them when I explain about tools individually.
There are more tools being offered with the premium versions of Tweepi. Let me walk you through the available tools in FREE version. Shall we?
There are more tools being offered with the premium versions of Tweepi. Let me walk you through the available tools in FREE version. Shall we?
1. Navigate to Tweepi Sign Up page.
2. Click Proceed to Twitter button there.
3. Now you will prompt to sign in to Twitter and authorize Tweepi application to use your Twitter account to grab information of your followers to analyze, unless you already signed in to Twitter. Else you will proceed to next step of Tweepi sign up process.
4. Provide your personal details and a password for your Tweepi account. Click Start using Tweepi button after selecting necessary options through below check boxes.
5. Now you will be directed to your Tweepi dashboard. Here you can manage your Twitter account with sort of interesting tools. Let's see what kind of tools available for FREE users.
Note: If you have immense number of followers, you may have to wait for few seconds until Tweepi populate stats for your account to begin with using tools.
Flush - This tool will list Twitter users who aren't following you back though you follow them. You can select users and unfollow easily here if you don't find useful in following them on Twitter. Just don't unfollow them for not being following you back if you find their tweets interesting to you. It's obvious. Isn't it?
Reciprocate - This is my favorite. You can find Twitter users who are following you, but yet you aren't following back. You could have missed them to check out and follow earlier. If you missed, you can find them all here and follow as you find how interesting they are and to build more worthy connections.
Cleanup - This tool basically list all Twitter users you are following. You can unfollow users if you found their updates are not interesting to you anymore, buggy or they are mostly idle and not engaging with your conversations on Twitter. But just don't unfollow a user being idle if it's not too long as they could be having different circumstances and he/she may start to tweet out once they back online.
Follow followers - This tool helps you find followers of a specific Twitter account with similar interests. You just need to enter a Twitter handle you familiar with such as @Mayura4Ever and proceed. Then you will able to see all the followers of that Twitter account you entered and can start following users with similar interests. It's very useful way to find users with similar interests.
Follow friends - This is similar to "Follow followers" tool we discussed above. Here you can get to know friends of a specific Twitter user. I mean, if you know of a interesting Twitter user, you can find who he/she is following. It's a great way to find friends on Twitter via a known Twitter friend, if you starting out with Twitter as a newbie. In addition, you can find very useful tweeps and resources to follow too.
Follow list - Creating lists on Twitter is very useful to find updates of specific subjects or topics. This tool helps you go through lists of Twitter users and follow interesting Twitter users in such lists. Here you need to enter Twitter handle of a specific account and it will populate all the lists that Twitter account has. Then, as usually, you can explore the list and follow users you find useful.
Paste & analyze - This tool is wonderful. You can analyze multiple Twitter accounts you wish to follow or already following, and see their information. Just enter Twitter handles separated by commas (i.e: @WootWoot, @Sparrow, @WhizKid, @ItsMyBirthday, @ImReadingThis) and proceed to see information of the Twitter users you have entered.
More Information:
As you use above Tweepi tools, I'd like to mention few options you should keep in mind which you may not aware in first use and in decision making.
Load Stats

This option will load the stats not populated on your graph.

This option helps you to add more columns to discover more information about tweeps.
Tweepi Presets

Tweepi presets helps you arranging tweeps considering their statistics on different factors. It's more convenient for users to identify who are the ones best to follow and unfollow. Make sure to change presets and make use of them. You can find more information about Tweepi presets here ~ The Tweepi Presets.
Enjoy :-)
Hi Mayura,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I've just signed up and had a clear out of those not following me back. I got a bit of a shock at some of them to be honest as I thought a few of those listed were following me..... Just goes to show you doesn't it.
I'm yet to play around in the other areas but thought I'd get the ball rolling :)
I also use Twellow which gives me plenty of options to find relevant people to follow as well as detailing those that don't follow us back.
I'll have a go through your list here and check what i need to. I don't follow everyone that's following me as many of them aren't sharing an interest and that's what i think it's all about :)
Thanks again Mayura
What a tool mate, this site is fantastic. I've just cleared out people that haven't tweeted from 2 months to 3 years and have removed over a 1,000 :)
Thanks for bringing it to my attention Mayura :)
Hi Barry,
Oops... Seems they have forgotten? Anyway if someone interested in following, they would do no matter what. Glad you found it out using this tool Barry :) It's been very effective to me too.
Well, you gotta play around and see what's more ;) Lemme know if you find new tricks too. Once I used Twellow too Barry. Just once. Mostly I'd like to interact and follow people :) You know, some just don't reply at all.
Absolutely mate :) I'm not following everyone either and they get it.
Hope you would love to do some clean up with this one and manage your followers Barry ;)
Thanks for coming over and sharing your wonderful comment mate :)
You're most welcome mate :)
Oh really? :O I don't even follow or followed by 1,000 yet Barry. Not even closer. That's wonderful to hear that you could clean up idle ones :) I'm really glad to see you are make use of it to manage your Twitter account.
Well, one memeber who interacts with you better than 1000 inactives, nah? ;)
Really thanks for sharing your experience with it here and I'm sure many readers stop by here would love to know that Barry :)
Great tool ;) I don't think I will be doing much cleaning up with who I am following (because my account is fairly and I only people I actually know, like you and Barry here :D).
The follow followers and follow friends feature seems to be some great tools ;) I will give it a try! Thank you, Mayura ;)
Awesome tutorial and tip Mayura!
Hi Jeevan,
Well... Well... I can relate to that mate :)
Mostly I'm finding this tool helpful for me in finding tweeps who recently followed me, similar tweeps and exploring lists mate ;) Oh yeah... Follow followers and follow friends... I hope you would love that features :)
Thanks for coming over and sharing your ideas on this one Jeevan :)
Hi Brenda,
I hope you would love to check out these tools and I know definitely one of 'em will grab your attention ;) Time to manage followers and make new connections...
Thanks for stopping by and commenting dear :)
Loved the information shared Mayura!
I am so very glad you are liking Tweepi too. And thanks so much for mentioning me in your post. :)
I love the flush option the most, and the first time I used it, just like Barry- I flushed nearly 4-500 people whom I was following, even though they weren't - that's what I loved most about it. But yes, there you have to be cautious not to unfollow so many people together and do only a few per day, or else there can be problems with your twitter account - so just be cautious (I think so as I read it somewhere).
I also love the follow friends as it's a great way to find new ones or follow followers too. I haven't gone into the finer details as much as you have, though I am loving to read about it all here. Haven't really given a look to the stats and column parts ever. So, thank you for sharing more about those. I guess I need to head over to Tweepi and give it a new look now. :)
Thanks for sharing all there is to know about Tweepi in this well researched post. :)
Hi Harleena,
I'm grateful to you for introducing Tweepi dear :) I haven't heard about it earlier until you share it with me. So you deserve the mention :)
Well, I haven't got much to flush ;) 4500 followers? That's so much. Obviously, eliminating inactive tweeps increase productivity of your account. I was really happy when Barry was able to clean up over 1000 idle followers too. Can't believe people don't tweet for years. Actually mass unfollowing would be cautious dear.
Mostly I follow brands to get news, so they won't follow me back usually. Therefore It's better to safelist 'em before we go with clean up :)
As I don't need to worry much about clean up, I'm impressed with finding new followers dear :) They are really cool and free version is almost enough. I had to take some time playing with it and competitive tools to write this post dear.
Columns and Stats options are very useful in analyzing tweeps and more details helps take better decisions as everyone can come up with a nice and attractive bios :) I hope you will find them much useful and more familiar with Tweepi functions.
Thanks for coming over and sharing all your experience about Tweepi with your comment dear :) Thanks again for introducing this nice tool...
It was a pleasure to do so, and I was just sharing what I knew too. I guess that's what blogging is all about - sharing what we know with one another - isn't it?
Not 4500 (I don't have those many yet!) but 4-500 (400 to 500), and yes I deleted a few who have either closed their accounts or are inactive too.
I will surely be checking in into columns and stats and the other things you mentioned under the more information head.
Thanks once again. :)
Great and informative post, Mayura.
One has to be a little careful with the unfollow option though, because the Twitter API sees un - following a lot of people in one go as 'spammy behavior'.
Like Harleena said 'use with caution!'
Personally I like to use Bottlenose. It got some great options for finding hot trends and presenting them in various formats.
I am trying to hold on to the people that I'm following and those that follow me back. After all it's easier to loose them that to get them!
Absolutely Harleena :) See, now it's helping others too. Awesome :)
Owps... I misinterpreted it ;) First I thought, 4 to 500. But it's odd. So I thought, 4500 :D Thanks for pointing it out dear. That's very kind of you :)
Well, play with more options and may be you can find new ways of using it effectively too ;)
Hi Jan,
Oh... That's a very good tip mate :) Twitter updated their rules due to pop up of massive follow and unfollow tools such as Twiends.
As to be on safe side, glad Tweepi doesn't let users select all at once but individually in cleanup and following :) Specifically on unfollowing, Twitter does aware of automated tools. However still need to be cautious and comply with Twitter rules when using the tool.
Mmm... I remember once you told about Bottlenose and it supports multiple networks, no? :) I need to give it a thorough look Jan. Thanks for reminding. Do you have a post about it? :)
Actually it's better to hold on with people following and following back, and to get to know 'em better mate ;) Finding new followers will open new doors too...
Thanks for coming over and sharing your thoughtful comment with very useful tip and tool mate :) Hope others will find it very useful...
Nice one Mayura, I just logged in. I hope the flush doesn't flush them all out at once and I can pick and choose :) Looking at Harleena's post below mine I think I do have that option, very nice! It's amazing how many tools there are for Twitter but not for Facebook or any other social site. I'm off to check it all out now!
Hi Lisa,
Ohw yeah dear. Tweepi doesn't allow flushing 'em all at once as Twitter has imposed rules on massive following and unfollowing and considered as spamming as Jan pointed out above.
Actually there are any of tools related to Twitter :) You know, when it comes to Facebook, the privacy is a complex matter and not everyone's posts go public. Therefore we can't access other accounts using third party tools but can let access ours by providing permissions. I think that's why mostly analytical tools are available for Twitter dear :)
Owkies... Hope you find it so interesting and lemme know if you find more tips there ;)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience on it promptly Lisa :)
Hi, Mayura,
I posted something on it, just do a quick search on my site. You'll find it. It does support multiple networks, (2 for mow...). BUT there's an option to follow a RSS feed (from a blog for instance) and organize them the way you want.
Pretty cool stuff...
Hey Jan,
Thanks mate :) Just searched on your blog and found couple of posts on it. I'm on it :)
I haven't heard or used this site before Mayura. I'm a lover of MangeFlitter and it will do a lot of the simple things I like. I can see who has never tweeted, who has been really quiet and for how long, who isn't following me back, etc. I don't want to automatically follow anyone and some of what Tweepi provides might be a little more then I need.
But, I will be sure to check it out anyway. No harm right! Especially since Harleena really likes this one too.
Hi Adrienne,
Me niether until Harleena told me about it :) Well, I did check ManageFlitter too when I check similar tools with Tweepi. It's an interesting tool to find talkative and quiet tweepies :)
I don't recommend automatic following either dear :) Barry was talking about it and he was able to flush off 'em using Tweepi. I like how Tweepi show like-minded tweeps, so we can check out and follow 'em only if we interested.
Absolutely Adrienne :) You can check it out and I hope you would like how it works. No harm ;) They are for make things easy for us.
Thanks for coming over and sharing your thoughts on that while mentioning about the tool you have been using dear :)
Just used this site thanks to you and love it, many thanks for sharing the info!
Wow, Mayura, this is just what I needed. I need to clean my Twitter accounts and this should do it. I learned of this post of yours by Barry. I'm so glad he mentioned you on his post. You're such a great information source of this kind.
Hi Claude,
Very cool, isn't it? :) I love the way it is too - Simple and easy to manage. Glad to know that you found it very interesting dear. Well, now enjoy with it :)
Thanks for coming over and commenting dear :) Ah... Thanks for compliments...
Hi Sylviane,
Barry cleaned up over 1000 inactives. Oh gosh... I can't believe that much :) Can you?
He said he was using auto-following tools earlier. We discussed about it further on Twitter and loved he come up with that post about using auto-following tools. Also I'm thankful to him for mentioning mine dear :)
I hope you would love to go through and see how it helps to manage your Twitter accounts Sylviane ;) Always better to be with active and real community, nah?
Thanks for coming and sharing your thoughts on it dear :)
This came at the perfect time for me Mayura! I have been neglected Twitter and recently learned the power of it. I wanted to find a program that would make it easy for me to clean up and also keep my friends closer so I wouldn't miss anything. This is perfect. Thank you So very much. I consider you a great teacher. This is why I just love coming to your blog.
Hi Donna,
Woohoo... That's awesome :) Perfect timing, no? ;) Absolutely if our Twitter profile crowded with unwanted or uninteresting people, it would be problematic as we couldn't find important tweets of our loving friends and other interesting people.
I hope you would love it after giving it a try as others did here Donna :) I found it very helpful to myself too. Let me know if you find new tips there after using it ;)
Thanks for your wonderful comment and compliments dear :)