You already know that YouTube is a popular online video sharing website. You can upload and share your favorite and awesome videos with your friends and family in few seconds with the help of YouTube. Further, You can easily embed YouTube videos or playlist on your blog or website if you want to. Thereafter you will be notified for each response you get for your uploaded videos and you can track how many views getting for your videos too. However if you wanna edit an uploaded video for some reason, then you have to delete video from YouTube, edit it using a video editing software on your computer and re-upload it to YouTube. That's the traditional methodology. Isn't it?
Re-Uploading is Re-Starting
When you re-upload your new video with new changes to previous one, it will be uploaded as a new video with new URL linked to that specific video. It doesn't matter if the old video you had to remove haven't had much comments or likes, or if it's not already circulated much among friends. But if it had more attention and had considerable feedback on it, then you will need to care about it. Anyway when you delete your old video from YouTube, simply you will lose all the comments, views and likes you had on it. If it was a video related to your business, you will have to use your strength again for promotion too. That's too bad, isn't it? What if I can offer you a solution to edit your existing videos while it's on YouTube without having all comments, views and likes disappeared?
No, it's wrong. I don't offer such service. But it's true that you can edit uploaded videos while being on YouTube now. YouTube offers a way to edit videos for YouTube users to edit and make changes to uploaded videos. You can do following changes to your uploaded videos,
● Add a soundtrack to your videos from YouTube approved tracks
● Trim your uploaded videos
● Rotate videos to left or right
● Add annotations to videos
● Fix or tune lighting and colors of videos
● Remove shaky camera motions on video and make it more stabilize
● Apply various special color effects for videos
● Blur faces on videos
So no re-upload necessary. Also YouTube doesn't change the video ID of your edited video eventhough you edit it over and over again. So edited videos will remain with same video URL attached to it. Due to that reason, your video view count, likes, comments and video link doesn't get affected. Isn't it a really great feature of YouTube? If you upload videos on YouTube and sometimes need to edit them for whatever reason, you can save your time and efforts you made on that videos with YouTube video editor. Ready to take a look?
Edit Videos on YouTube
No, it's wrong. I don't offer such service. But it's true that you can edit uploaded videos while being on YouTube now. YouTube offers a way to edit videos for YouTube users to edit and make changes to uploaded videos. You can do following changes to your uploaded videos,
● Add a soundtrack to your videos from YouTube approved tracks
● Trim your uploaded videos
● Rotate videos to left or right
● Add annotations to videos
● Fix or tune lighting and colors of videos
● Remove shaky camera motions on video and make it more stabilize
● Apply various special color effects for videos
● Blur faces on videos
So no re-upload necessary. Also YouTube doesn't change the video ID of your edited video eventhough you edit it over and over again. So edited videos will remain with same video URL attached to it. Due to that reason, your video view count, likes, comments and video link doesn't get affected. Isn't it a really great feature of YouTube? If you upload videos on YouTube and sometimes need to edit them for whatever reason, you can save your time and efforts you made on that videos with YouTube video editor. Ready to take a look?
1. Sign into YouTube.
2. Navigate to Video Manager where your uploaded videos located.
3. Find the video you wanna edit and click Edit button below your video.

4. Now you will be directed to a new page where you can edit information of video. As you need to edit your video, jump to Enhancements tab.

5. You will find set of video editing features with a live preview - Trim, Rotation, Auto-fix Color, Color Tuner, Stabilizer and set of video effects to be applied on your video. Now you can start editing your video.

* You can view changes you made to video in live preview instantly.
* If you wanna revert your changes to video, you can click on Revert to original button.
* You can find more additional features by clicking on Additional features drop down button.
* You can view changes you made to video in live preview instantly.
* If you wanna revert your changes to video, you can click on Revert to original button.
* You can find more additional features by clicking on Additional features drop down button.
6. Now you can go through other tabs - Audio, Annotations and Captions, if you need to add featured soundtrack to your video and to insert annotations or captions.
7. Once you done with editing your video, then click Save button to save changes on existing video and it may take some time to save depending on your video size.
* Until the video is being processed with new changes, visitors will see your old video.
* You can use on Save as option if you prefer to save your edited video with another name/ID without replacing original video. But it will uploaded as a new video.
* Until the video is being processed with new changes, visitors will see your old video.
* You can use on Save as option if you prefer to save your edited video with another name/ID without replacing original video. But it will uploaded as a new video.
Enjoy :-)
When I was uploading videos to YouTube, I spent hours color correcting and doing other adjustments in Adobe After Effects. This save my day mate. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome post Mayura!
This is one area that I haven't yet tapped and when I do so, your post would be the first one I would head over for help. :)
I just bookmarked it because I know I would need lots of help on YouTube! I guess being a freelance writer I really don't use much of videos for my work, but where my blogs are concerned, I am thinking about starting with videos too.
Thanks for this wonderful post once again. :)
Love this one Mayura. I've started to use it more and didn't know about this feature. I just added tittle tags and keywords and say a jump. Thanks for much for sharing this informative post on YouTube.
Hi Malinda,
Actually, it's time saving :) I think you will make most out of this editing feature when you dealing with your videos on YouTube. And next plus point is you won't lose your likes and comments on existing videos though you made changes.
Thanks for for sharing your experience mate :) And for compliments too.
Hi Harleena,
You're exactly right dear. On the aspect of blogging, videos can do things much better :) I know you will step on it near future and we can enjoy your videos on posts too.
So when you're up to creating videos and upload on YouTube, I think this will definitely help you save lot of trouble and time too :) Now you already know it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and compliments dear :)
Hi Lisa,
You just start creating videos and I know now this gonna help you dear :)
Earlier we had to upload videos again whenever we do visual changes to videos. If they had enormous responses, that will 'cause big trouble as we lose all of 'em. But now YouTube made right decision on that video creators would happy to make use of.
I hope you will find it more useful as you are on creating new videos dear :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and compliments :)
Hi Mayura,
What a fantastic post you've written here. I normally do all my editing prior to uploading my videos to YouTube, for the very reasons you've stated here. Once it's uploaded the last thing we need is to take them down again, not only do we lose comments, shares, like etc but we look unprofessional and that's not good at all.
Some of my videos, where I'm talking to the camera, seem to have a film over them and I've often tried to erase that before uploading... Without success! :( So the fact that we can now adjust that directly from YouTube is a fantastic feature and one I didn't know about until your post :)
Thanks for the tips Mayura, I'll make good use of them :)
All the best, Barry
Hi Barry,
Really glad to see you after a long time :)
I think you are presenting another vital point Barry. People tend to analyze feedback or responses on videos and comes to conclusion that the person who created and uploaded the video is a newbie who doesn't get attention and identified as unprofessional. That's too bad.
Yeah, it's a fantastic feature Barry :) It was a big problem that if someone needs to change or edit a video uploaded on YouTube, he/she has to make changes and upload again to start from scratch. But now I think it's really great for video creators like you who may need adjustments at some point on uploaded videos.
I believe you will definitely make use of it Barry :)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on this YouTube feature mate :)
All the best for you Barry...
Doesn't Youtube allow us to upload revisions now? (If my memory is right, Youtube does, or it could be something else).
I have used the in built editor, especially when I wanted to improve the colors of the video (or make it more like "High definition" - I think there is an effect that allows us to improve a quality (not really quality, I guess, just the colors).
Anyways, thank you for the post, Mayura!
Appreciate it ;) Noticed that you switched over to the new version of Disqus. Looks great!
Great tips Mayura and very helpful!
Hi Jeevan,
YouTube allows to upload revised version of videos mate :) But not on same URL with existing statistics. If you wanna keep all stats on and edit video, gotta edit on YouTube Jeevan. Isn't it so cool feature for video creators?
I haven't used editor much as I have no own videos uploaded on YouTube. But did try on few videos I've got just to feel it and prior to this post too. YouTube has very good effects to apply on. I don't wanna say how it goes. You already know it and done that :)
Ohw I've got early access to Disqus 2012 and switched once. But noticed few bugs (Actually not visible to readers) and switched back to old one mate. However now they have been fixed, so switched back again :) Glad you like it Jeevan.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on YouTube editor experience and value your compliments too mate :)
Hi Brenda,
I hope you would give it a try on your videos ;) I mean you can apply effects on existing videos and see on live preview (without saving). Many things to do with editor :)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting dear :)
So Mayura, when are we going to get a video tutorial from you walking us through how to do all the awesome things you share with us in your post? I mean this would have made a great video tutorial.
You also teach us some really cool things. I've never used these features because I don't normally post a video if I'm not happy with it. There isn't anything I need to add once it's done. Not that mine are perfect but I've just never needed to edit them once they are published. I do like the lighting feature though. I had a friend tell me she's used that a lot to make her video more crisp looking.
Thanks so much for sharing. Great tutorial as always. I appreciate all the work you put into your posts and share with us.
Hi Adrienne,
Good question dear :) I've been thinking it for a while too. You don't believe that at home I'm just so quiet. Try to do once. I have my one and only sis that I get distracted whenever I'm on phone or talking ;) That's why I do not use Skype and do message or chat mostly. She's funny though. A child need special care and improving. So for now I'm going with writing which is best for me right now. I may try when she's not at home, which is very rare :D lol... People have their own priorities sometimes.
I know you are organized and do all stuff you need to do before go public :) So I think you don't need it at all. But there are people who needs it most, as Barry mentioned :) Or may be it's something we notice after a long time and need to do some adjustments with it. Who knows, right? :) Personally, I did try effects on some sample videos and they are pretty amazing though. Can be creative with 'em.
Thanks for sharing your experience on creating videos Adrienne :) I always appreciate encouraging compliments on me.
I'm not much into Youtube other than to view cool vids "of people fall of stairs"... No seriously . Good post.
Why loose your honest earned work over a little edit. Would be a killer for companies who rely on youtube for promotion...
Seems to me to work a little like picture edit on Google+, although there you will loose shares and comments. Youtube is part of the Google family, we'll get new updates soon on that is my guess... ;)
Hi Jan,
I know what you mean ;) Same here. But hoping to play more in future.
It's a great feature from a video service Jan. Everything goes cloud, right? ;) Google got enough processing power to offer video edit online. Usually it eats resources.
It's vital for companies on video promotion, as you said. And we can't forget bloggers, right? :) Anyway video creators put great effort on videos to promote them. Losing 'em all like losing comments on a blog post. They don't wanna make 'em waste away. They had to, before this feature comes in. But now no worries :)
Yeah, it's similar to image editing on Google+. But here it save changes on same video URL just to make sure no statistics gonna reset. Hope Google+ will follow same methodology on image editing too :)
Thanks for sharing your views on YouTube and video editing Jan :)
Super post Mayura! Isn't it fantastic that youtube finally offers the ability to edit, enhance, improve our videos online!! I'd run into the exact issues you described...if I chose to make changes, I'd lose the comments/remarks & the url would change...forcing me to go back and manually change the link on any site I'd previously included it. A time-consuming and irritating issue! Plus, if you didn't own video editing software, you were out of luck or had to purchase it...which might be difficult for entrepreneurs starting out on a shoe-string budget! Bravo to youtube for integrating this much needed ability and thank you for sharing such easy to follow instructions!
Hi Lynn,
Well... Well... Well... Now you not gonna miss it, right? :) It's really fantastic Lynn. Especially for video creators.
It's so disappointing to lose all responses for a video just because of few changes. As you mentioned, if we embed videos on different websites, again have to update video URL. As you gone through such circumstances, you know how irritating it is. There was a time like that before, but no more :)
You are making a really good point there Lynn :) What if we out of home or can't afford to buy a good video editing software. Hmm... It's very difficult then. Personally for me too :)
I think YouTube rolled out a very important feature after all :) I hope you love to make use of it...
Thanks for sharing your views on this feature and personal experiences you had on applying changes to your YouTube videos dear :) Owh, thanks for compliments too...
Thanks for this. I am trying to add a "title slide" to all my videos either before or after ... but although I can do this from the Video Editor, it appears to save it as a brand-new video, new name, new description, etc. Do you know if I am doing something wrong, or if it is not one of the features that allows you to keep the same URL/ID? Thanks for any help.
Hi Shira,
Nope... You are not doing anything wrong dear. It's the way it is :)
Video Editor doesn't let you save changes on same video ID/URL. If you use Video Editor, it publishes your edited video as a new video with new video ID.
BTW, You can check out annotations here though instead of adding a title slide, so you won't lose any comments, likes etc. :) Else, you can use Video Editor and have to start from scratch.
vimeo can switch the video whilst all comments likes etc remain... awesome... but free accounts are to limited unfort... :(
Hi Joe,
Oops... That would be interesting if it was available for free Vimeo accounts :) Hope in future.
Thanks for coming by and sharing information mate :)
Is there any way to add a picture into a video that has already been uploaded? I have to add a picture at the end of all my videos and I do not want to take them down and lose my views
Hi Dan,
You can add a picture using Video Editor, but you will lose views on video mate.
Right now you can't add a clip or picture to an uploaded video without losing count and likes Dan :)
Is there anyway to take out part of a clip or overwrite the sound? I have a video with a minor mistake and i cut someone off in the beginning of a sentence. Its really bugging me but the video already has a ton of views so i want to keep the same url
Can you trim it if it's in the middle of the clip? Or just the end?
Good question! :) Seems trimming in the middle of the clip is not possible Ghazal. You can trim at the start and / or end.
Go to edit view and you can see it there :)
change the category of a youtube video after uploading it??
Hi Dharani,
Of course, you can :) Navigate to Uploads and edit your preferred video. Then, you can change category at Advanced settings tab.