October 8, 2012

Use Images to Find Information on the Web with Google Image Search

Would you agree if I say Internet itself is a information resource? The Internet is build up of interconnected networks connecting billions of users worldwide. As Internet flooded with information, unlike searching information on a book, finding information throughout the Internet is a very, very and very difficult task. How do you find information on the Internet? That's where Search Engines start to play the main role of the story. We all familiar with search engines and use to find information everyday. Basically, to find information, you would enter some relevant keywords or terms in the search box and hit enter waiting for matching search results to explore and find the necessary details you need to find. What if you wanna search details of an image you have seen on somewhere or stored in your computer?

Does It Make Sense?

Finding text based information is quite sensible. Search engines index our information in their search index to help find information easily and match our keywords entered in search box with the information indexed in their search index. But how on earth you can ask a search engine to find information related to an image by providing an image? Even we can't identify information related to an image if we have no idea what is it or where it is from, no? So you can't expect a search engine to help find information regarding an image. Well, now I say it's almost possible on this earth.

What Did I Just Say?

Yes, Google now let you discover content on the web using an image. I mean, you can start search using an image instead of words. You may familiar with Google Image Search where you can search matching images on the web by entering words. Instead, if you don't know any details about the image you have or seen somewhere, provide the image to Google Image Search and it will comes up with similar matching images and relevant results across the web.

Everytime we use a tool or service, we need to know the capabilities and incapabilities to understand how to work with it efficiently. Google indexes images on the web and store in their image index to make use for Search by Image feature. Simply, Google analyze and process images you provide, to understand image patterns to match with images indexed in Google. However you need to understand that Google may not able to provide relevant information for any image. I mean, if you use your recent family photo stored in your computer which never been uploaded online with search by image feature, it will not come up with relevant details as Google has no enough evidence to match on the web. It's obvious, right? But it will show up some similar images and search results. So understand the capabilities and use Search by Image feature to find information related to images.


1. Navigate to Google Image Search.

2. You can initiate search by image by clicking on camera icon on the search bar.

3. You can provide image URL if it's hosted on the web or upload image on your computer for Google Search Image to populate matching results for the image.

Note: You can drag and drop image stored in your computer on the search bar to upload and initiate search by image too.

4. Now you will start to see relevant or similar images for the image you have provided, and also it will list out relevant pages that hold information about the image.

Enjoy :-)

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