You can spend a lot of time on Twitter but how effective is that time being spent? There are many ways to analyze your twitter stats but what ways are the most effective? There are over 50+ ways to analyze your Twitter stats but do you need all 50? Of course not, I have gone through them to pick out the best FREE ones available for you.
TweetStats – This one takes a long time to load the Twitter stats but it may be worth it. Tweet Stats will tell you your tweet density (how often you tweet), including tweets per hour, per day, etc. Tweet stats will show you how many replies to and who they are to, who you re-tweet the most, and which interface is used. You can also check on anyone’s Twitter handle on Tweet stats. There is no need to sign up for this website, just put in a Twitter handle and wait for the results.
Foller.me – Very nice! The stats load up right away – no waiting. These Twitter stats include:
● Info
● Statistics
● Topics
● Hashtags
● Mentions
● Tweets
● Replies
● Retweets
● Tweets with Links
● Most linked domains
● Clients usage – Are they on Twitter or Hootsuite?
Foller.me also shows you via tag clouds so you can see which words and topics are the most popular. Again no need to sign up, don’t you just love those type of services?
TwitterCounter – These Twitter Stats have a few nice added features and can be emailed to you weekly so you can track how you are gaining or losing followers. It will also show you how many tweets you are since you joined Twitter. It also gives you their prediction of how many followers you will have in 7 days. There is a button they offer to show off your follower count you can add to your website or blog. No need to sign up here but it does need authorization through your Twitter account to gather the stats for you. You can also view the TOP 100 users on Twitter and set up your own milestone notifications. Very nice! Twitter Counter will let you know when you are close to reaching so many followers or so many tweets. There are also premium additions for their Twitter stats starting at $15/mo. and up to $150/mo.
TweetWasters – This one is for fun but scary – tells you how many hours you have spent on Twitter. Do you really want to know? This one always makes me think twice :)
Are you surprised how much time you spend on Twitter or with your results on Twitter? Do you track your Twitter Stats via another way?
About Guest Author
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Lisa Sicard from Inspire to Thrive is helping others to thrive online through Social Media, Blogging and SEO. What's knowledge if you cannot share it with others? 20+ years experience in marketing and advertising with 4+ years experience in Blogging, Social Media and SEO.
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Thank you Mayura for having me contribute on your blog. It's an honor. You have really done so much with your website over the past year. I love how you have the "You Might Also Like" feature at the bottom - it's not invasive at all - like some sites with pop-ups. You really understand what viewers like to see on a website :)
Hi Lisa,
Informative indeed :) I've heard of TwitterCounter earlier and it's the only analytics tool I used for my Twitter accounts. I feel I haven't done research on it well as you did here for this post. I think it's one of most suitable topic for you with years of knowledge and as an active user on Twitter :) Isn't it?
Actually Foller.me does shows more details on tweets, no? How does it do like that? It makes me wonder why Twitter doesn't provide analytics officially. Do you think Twitter will come with that feature later on? :)
Thank you very much for contributing to Mayura4Ever with your enormous knowledge and findings on Twitter dear :) I'm really honored to have you here and I know it will really impress my readers.
Thanks again Lisa :)
Hi Lisa,
You're welcome dear :) No, it's honor for me. I'm the kid here and you all are experienced teachers of mine. nah? Oh the related posts widget. When I read a blog, there are some things which bugging me. So it's a good experience for me to not to bug my readers with such annoying promotional stuff. I'd like simple and clean where readers can enjoy without any interference. Anyway still mine not perfect :)
Thanks for your compliments as an awesome loyal reader of my blog and again for accepting to guest post here my friend :)
Foller.me queries the Twitter API and parses the data from your Twitter name. Like a magic sauce. Twitter has tested their own analytic's in 2010 (http://mashable.com/2010/11/17/twitter-analytics/) but they don't seem to have lasted or gone anywhere since. It may not be a priority for them with all the other's providing different stats. We'll have to watch their blog for updates :)
You are the kid that teaches us so much Mayura! I think it's 2nd nature to you and you are truly a natural with technical stuff as well as writing and teaching.
great post Lisa. lol TweetStats actually says
"Sit back
This will take a while... "
Thanks Vanita, yes it does. Just relax: )
Wow! Very cool tools there! I'll have to check em out! Great to see ya Lisa! Ahem..I mean posting on Mayura's fabulous blog-o-sphere here. :) Congrats Mayura on your recent graduation and first Featured Guest! :)
Hi Brenda,
Thank you very much dear :) I'm really glad to have Lisa here and I should warn others to wait for their turn too :D LOL... Alrighty, I ll let Lisa to talk with you now ;)
Thanks Brenda. Imagine what he'll do now with graduating? He'll go very far for sure.
Nice Guest Post and hi, Lisa and Mayura!
Twitter can be scary, but because the Twitter API being open to just about anyone *everything* you tweet is public.
Those tools are great! I know TwitterCounter, because that was built by Boris van Velthuisen van Kampen, the founder of CircleCount.
It can be scary how much time you spend on Twitter. I m still finding a balance that works for me. Maximum result in a minimum of time. Guess I'm just lazy... ;)
Hi Jan- I always think anything I type on the computer is public now :) Good idea Jan maximize result in minmimum time, I like that quote!
Hey Lisa, welcome to Mayura's place.
Great information here and I was wondering which one is really the best. I mean they all give us some type of information so do you use them all or do you lean towards one or the other? Would love to get your thoughts on this one.
Great info though and before I go playing around I'll wait for your recommendation.
You guys have an awesome week now.
Hi Adrienne, Twitter Stats has the most information I believe but it takes a few minutes to load, just chill and relax while you wait :)
If you are more visual you may like foller.me better. I love that you don't have to sign up and get a password, I'm password fatigued lately.
Thanks for coming by and have a great week yourself Adrienne.
Wow, what a mine of knowledge again, Mayura.
I have never got to like Twitter yet, and I am basically kinda stuck with it. I feel like I am not going anywhere with it. I shall check those out, dear :) and see what I can learn.Thanks, Mayura.
Hi Lisa, Great to see you here on Mayura's blog! The two of you are awesome.
This is the third time today, I'm learning about Twitter. I think it's a sign because I don't pay much attention to it. Hmmm I'm taking your advice Lisa. Got to implement this.
Thank you so much,
Thanks for this post. It has helped me with some very good tools to make my twitter experience a more enjoyable one. I've been very economical with my use of social media sites like twitter because I don't just want to 'waste' my time on them. With tools like these, I can monitor how effective they are working for me. Once again thanks.
Thanks Donna. Start slow and stick with it on Twitter. It does take time.
You are welcome Chadwick. You'll also get your own "feel" for it after being on there a while but these stats REALLY tell a story for you.
Sylviane, it takes time to get comfortable with Twitter. Once you do, you'll love it :)
Yea, that's what I really want instead of just putting in the effort without really knowing if it is working or not.
Btw. the name is Chadrack and not Chadwick! :)
Sorry about that Chadrack. Typed too fast :) I won't forget next time....