If you are responsible in managing brands, you may already engage in Google+ to manage your brand via Google+ pages. There you will find many advantages such as being search engine friendly by having a Google+ page. But it may differ from brand to brand and according to the percentage of people who gathered around Google+ to provide feedback and notify your updates. However it's not my major consideration here. If you are the only one who manage Google+ page of your company or organization, sometimes you may not able to post updates in some situations. You can prevent such obstacles by adding managers to your page and let them post on your page. But what if you wanna transfer ownership of your page?
Transferring ownership means you are enable all permissions for your page to someone to access and administrate your page such as deleting page. There could be few common scenarios that you might wanna transfer ownership of your page. Sometimes you may wanna transfer ownership as you don't wanna manage particular Google+ page no more. Or you might wanna transfer ownership as you delete your current Google+ profile. But if you are trying to change ownership just to let someone manage your page, you can do it by adding him as a manager. Anyway if you are willing to transfer ownership, you can find out by reading through this post.
Before You Go:
You need to satisfy below conditions before you transfer ownership of the page you intend to.
* You need to be the owner of the page you are referring to.
* Only you can transfer ownership to an existing manager of the page. If you have no managers for your page, Read How to Add Managers to Your Google+ Page.
1. Sign in to your Google+ profile.
2. Navigate to Google+ Page Management page.
3. Click Settings link under the relevant page that you wanna change ownership.

4. Jump to Managers section from left pane.
5. Click on Transfer ownership link on top right corner.
6. Now you will get a prompt to transfer ownership. Select the manager that you wanna provide owner credentials and click Continue.

7. Next you will need to confirm that you wanna transfer ownership to the person you selected. Click OK to complete the process.
More Information:
* Once you transfer your ownership to another person, you will automatically becomes a manager of your old page.
Enjoy :-)